Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Masonic Influence

While most members of the craft already embrace the concept of religious tolerance, it's implications are frequently taken for granted. When men can respect one another's religious faith and recognize that everyone is entitled to their their respective beliefs the cause of many past wars is averted.

Dan Brown recently wrote in a letter of apology for not being able to speak before the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite that whenever he is asked why he chose the Freemasons to the the central figure in his latest book "In a world where men do battle over whose definition of God is most accurate, I cannot adequately express the deep respect and admiration I feel toward an organization in which men of differing faiths are able to break bread together in a bond of brotherhood, friendship and camaraderie."

Masonic Lodges are temples of peace, places where men of strong belief and opinion are taught to leave any "agenda" at the door and to simply enjoy the company of their brother Masons ... think how wonderful a place the world would be if all men could live by this simple tenant.

As the screen play for the book is written and a sure hit movie to be released, if Dan Brown continues to repeat his reasons for choosing Freemasonry as the basis for his book the impact on our fraternity could be far reaching.


  1. You may find this interesting:

    Rose (9615) = 641 prime X 15

    Whenever you add-subtract 641 days on the calendar you will move backward-forward 89 days.

    89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.

    Leo is the astrological sign for the Divine birth month - August - whose ruling planet is the Sun and which corresponds to the Human Heart.

    Our Lord God Jesus Christ was born on August 11th in 6 BC. There's a proof embedded in the prime number system which manifests throughout our gregorian calendar which is a solar-based.

    The sun rises on August 11th on the 41st latitude north over one of the largest bodies of water on earth, Lake Michigan, at EXACTLY 5:55 am which corresponds to NEW (555) which is ONE (1) minute from END (554) as in the end of darkness. Each day 5:55 am is the advent of the Leo (356th) minute of the new day. The Leo (356th) minute ends at 5:56 am (556) which factors into 139 prime X 4.

    139 is the prime of I (9) Am (14) Here (8595) = 8618 = 139 prime X 62.

    139 prime days prior to 8/11 is 3/25 (325) and 139 prime days after 8/11 is 12/28 (1228). 1228 minus 325 = 903 which mirrors 9/03 which is always 23 "I(9) Am(14)" prime days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate. I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime corresponds to our Lord's original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I Am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2.

    8/11 corresponds to 811 prime which corresponds to My (47) God (764) = 811 prime.

    The only day on the gregorian calendar that corresponds to "I (9) Am (14)" is September 14th - 9/14 (914) - which factors into 457 prime X 2 which is the 89th prime number.

    And in non-leap years 9/14 is always the 257th day of the year which is the prime of 5/14 (514) which is always 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lord.

    There are only three days on the gregorian calendar with three digits that factor into 89 prime as follows:

    6/23 (623) = 89 prime X 7

    7/12 (712) = 89 prime X 8

    8/01 (801) = 89 prime X 9

    When you calculate the day differential between these three dates and August 11th, the Divine Birthdate, you will arrive at EXACTLY 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" days as follows:

    6/23 is 49 days from 8/11
    7/12 is 30 days from 8/11
    8/01 is 10 days from 8/11

    49 + 30 + 10 = 89 prime

    Here's just one example of the great power of the prime of 641 which is the prime of Rose (9615) as follows:

    First, 1151 is the 191st prime number - include one (1) in the count.

    Second, 191 is the prime of God (764) = 191 prime X 4

    Third, multiply 1151 prime X 641 prime = 737791

    737791 corresponds to a Universal Numerical Date (UND) which refers to the number of days back to the Divine Birth of our Lord God Jesus Christ on August 11th in 6 BC.

    737791 is 20641 days from the day I was born, 19580205 which brings us to August 11th, the Divine Birthdate, in the year 2014.

    That's about it!!

  2. I forgot to note that the sun stops falling in the northern hemisphere - ie. the beginning of Winter Solstice - on the Leo (356th) day of each year before beginning it's ascent on Christmas Eve when it rises 1 degree over the next 24 hours through Christmas Day. Christmas Eve, 12/24, is always Sun (135) days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate of our Lrod.

  3. My last post - unbeknownst to me until after the fact - was time-stamped 8:20 am which mirrors 8/20 which in years prior to non-leap years is always Leo (356) days from August 11th, the Divine Birthdate.


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